My New Obsession-Oranges

My New Obsession-Oranges more

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A Smile for this Weekend

I have a smile prepared for this weekend for you. Try to feel good and enjoy the sunshine outside, wherever you are! more

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The drawing “Lipstick” is brother with “The perfume”. more

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Aceasta clipa

Aceasta clipa more

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This is a drawing from my new collection. More details I will tell you later. more

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Where is My Columbia Hat Now ?

Friday I lost my beautiful Columbia hat at the subway. I wonder who is wearing it now? more

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My Birthday

Today is our birthday (mine and my sister). I want to “drawforjoy” more than last year, if that’s possible.


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Monday Girl

Monday is a special day, we all know that. So, how would Monday look like if she would be a woman? Then, I made this drawing: the Monday Girl. more

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Yesterday when I was in front of a white paper preparing to draw something, I had that strange feeling of deja-vu.
On Wikipedia, deja-vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined( more

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In 2011 try to laugh more than ever! more

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Self Portrait Drawing

I made another self portrait drawing, more complex than others. I will try to draw other portraits in the same style to see how it goes. more

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Before the Christmas holidays, a strange phenomenon is happening: people are going crazy and they are running after gifts and shopping like wild beasts. more

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Savour the chocolate!

I found on Ina’s blog a recipe that is made in two minutes. You need an avocado, cocoa and honey. Mix it well and then put the mixture into the freezer. The result is a different kind of chocolate. You have to savor it, because it’s delicious. more

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Racing Girls

Racing Girls more

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Alexandra’s Pedichure-Making of

UPDATE….va astept la expozitie Oamenii ma intreaba de multe ori cum imi vin ideile pentru desene. O sa raspund cu un exemplu. Verisoara mea Alex, a stat cateva zile pe… more

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DrawForJoy Exhibition Pictures

The exhibition ended and the holiday ended as well. I will show you some pictures to see how it was. The exhibition took place in “La Galerie” (At the Gallery) pub in Vama Veche. My drawings had a great time and maybe another ones will visit the place next year. Many thanks to the people who helped me. more

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Seaside Vacation

Today I am going on holiday at the seaside. Bye-bye! more

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Drawforjoy’s Collection Of Scars

I have a pretty collection of scars from different situations and my stomach is full with watermelon. I am now ready to go to seaside. more

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Lorette a scris despre mine

Lorette a scris un articol despre mine pe Multumesc Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: drawforjoy, Lorette, roxana soare more

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Funny 2010 Calendar

Finally I finished drawing the 2010 Calendar at which I worked from the beginning of the year.
Today I posted just the calendar pages for January and February, and from now on, I will post every month a new calendar page. However, if you want the entire calendar, you can download it, by clicking the button from the right sidebar. more

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A Story With A Cactus

Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: cactus, drawforjoy, funny comics, funny story with a cactus, poveste haioasa more

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