Am fost la cateva filme de la Festivalul de Film European, si de fiecare data am avut de a face cu oameni vorbareti. Oameni maturi, nu copii. Asta ma enerveaza la maxim, pentru ca fiecare om ar trebui sa stie regula asta de bun simt, sa nu vorbeasca in timpul filmului. O femeie a vorbit chiar si la telefon. more
Share on FacebookWhen your eyes are small, red, tortured and you barely see with them, it’s time to do something for them : eye gymnastic. more
Share on FacebookWe love to go camping at seaside. It is so romantic to be close to the water, the sand and the sky… more
Share on FacebookAt night, when sleeping with someone, you have to share everything : mattress, sheet, blanket, pillow. But in reality is the law of the jungle. more
Share on FacebookLike many other girls, when I was little I wanted to make beautiful doll dresses. While all my friends made some sophisticated and fashionable clothes for their dolls, all I could do was a piece of material with a hole in the middle.
Larry stood among the flowers and watched impertinently the free striptease show. more
Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Technorati Tags: cactus, drawforjoy, funny comics, funny story with a cactus, poveste haioasa more
Share on FacebookDedicatie speciala pentru Eva. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: intamplare cu mos craciun, Mos Craciun in spatele gratiilor, poveste cu mos craciun more
Share on FacebookA Santa Claus Comic with a story by Andrew Height and illustrations by Drawforjoy, Roxana Soare more
Share on FacebookHandmade Christmas Tree. Cum sa confectionezi un Pom de Craciun more
Share on FacebookI recently came into possession of the president‘s secret file, and it is my duty to show it to you. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: president comic, President’s Files, roxana… more
Share on FacebookLast night I dreamed that I was climbing , and the climbing holds were alive. Most of them were good holds and helped me climb very easy. But, when I… more
Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Technorati Tags: cartoon, comic, drawforjoy, fight, funny story, girl fights more
Share on FacebookThis is a volley ball game for the two girls and a free topless show for the swimmers around. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: drawforjoy, funny comics, roxana soare, topless,… more
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