Me and Myself

Am stat mult cu desenul in fata si m-am tot gandit ce sa pun pe hartie. Sa pun imaginea in oglinda, sa pun un peisaj, sa pun un personaj, sa pun portretul meu, sa pun ce imi vine primul lucru in minte…
Si dupa cateva zile mi-am dat seama ca doar daca nu pun nimic, desenul meu va fi terminat.


I spent a lot of time looking at this drawing  thinking what to put on that paper. Should I  put the image in the mirror, should I put a landscape or a character, should I put my portrait or maybe the first thing that comes to my mind …
And after a few days I realized that only if I don’t put anything on the paper, my drawing is finished.

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:) :-D :lol: :( :wink: :twisted: :idea: :oops: 8) :d more »