Drawforjoy’s Collection Of Scars
I have a pretty collection of scars from different situations and my stomach is full with watermelon. I am now ready to go to seaside.
Share on FacebookI have a pretty collection of scars from different situations and my stomach is full with watermelon. I am now ready to go to seaside.
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Distractie placuta, tie, colectiei tale de cicatrici si restul familiei !
mama, ce pofta mi-e de pepene rosu!!!

RThat is quite a collection. All I have is a broken heart.
de data asta m-ai desenat pe mine.
@Alex, merci

Multumesc! Cicatricile se distreaza cel mai bine!
Si mie, chiar si cand mananc imi e pofta!
@ Akh,
A broken heart, noooo!
@ Nina,
Aha, deci mai sunt colectionari. Si fetele te mostenesc cumva?
O artista ca tine trebuie sa se faca remarcata pe plaja prin felurite pete de “culoare”.
Asa e, de nuante diferite, unele mai inchise, unele mai deschise, unele ma spre galben si altele mai spre albastru.