About Me
My name is Roxana Soare. I was born in Bucharest- Romania on the 28th of January,1982. From childhood I liked very much to draw and in my free time I was always busy with drawing. So I decided to follow the art school and high school Nicolae Tonitza in Bucharest. I took my diploma in Monumental Painting and then I went to the University of where I graduated in Design, in 2004. After graduation I started working in advertising as an Art Director.
Drawing, illustration and painting have been my constant activities during the career. My inspiration comes from my life, from the things I see, from the people around me.
I am currently working as a freelancer and I’m also involved in various personal projects that you will see posted on this blog from time to time.
I can use all my skills and experience in many areas such as web design,branding, packaging, layouts, book illustration and covers, ads. If you need an illustration or a banner, a website , a blog or a complex work of branding in Draw For Joy Style, I can help you with the utmost professionalism and creativity.
You can find a gallery with my best drawings on Drawforjoy Gallery.com, and some of my graphic works on Roxana Soare.net.
Here is my email address:
roxana@drawforjoy.com or roxanasoare@ymail.com
Here are two of my interviews: for EVZ and Hotcity and Blogosphera
Have fun!
Nice work you have!
Hi Roxana, I love your work. They are comical! The one on sleeping together had me in hysterics, because that’s exactly what happens to even the sheet from my bedding coming off slightly lol. Your work has great personality and that’s something I’m currently working on with mine.
Love. Emma
Thanks and good look on your work!
There’s some talents you’re born with.. Desenele tale, sunt mai mult decat un creion pe hartie. Au si o insemnatate. Iar inspiratia din viata este cea mai importanta parte. As vrea doar sa-ti spun un mare “felicitari” , din partea mea. Only this.
Viata e cea mai interesanta parte a vietii.
Ce trebuie sa faca inji pentru un mic banner 125×125?
Pai trimite-mi un mail cu detalii, si iti zic
Hello Roxana. Your creations are definitely good and fine. I love seeing them. I wish I could draw like you. You are so gifted.
Păcat că nu te-ai prezentat pe româneşte. Ori, măcar, şi pe româneşte …
O sa pun si pe romaneste.
vad o gramada de lucruri frumoase la tine pe site, felicitari. cu siguranta voi reveni
Congratulations for your work, you have an impressive technique. if you want I can show my work.
from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sincer, ma bucur ca am descoperit pe Roxana Soare, astazi
fie chiar, si doar online(Sper si offline curand
Este minunat ce daruiesti tu prin desenele,creatia ta….ce trebuie deslusita, savurata…
… si daruiesti ceva cald, minunat prin munca ta, creatia ta!
Keep it like this!
Felicitari si la mai mare!
Hello,My name is TATIANAI’m from Russia, Kaliningrad cityI have been doing business in Russia and I want to start trdanig with China.Services and products your company are interested in me, and I would like to learn more.I want to buy from you now, these products DUMMIES, SARS(link)This set ofin the amount of 50 pieces per monthPlease indicate the cost of the goods with respect to the necessary amount to me.Please specify the cost of transportation to Kaliningrad RUSSIASincerely,TATIANAtel: 7 (911) _______skype: ___________
Nu am inteles exact daca doriti sa comunicati in engleza sau in romana. Cred ca daca ma iau dupa postari, care sunt mai toate, in engleza asa ca ma conformez.
I would like to open a blog and I need your help and talent. How much will that be?