DrawForJoy Exhibition Pictures
The exhibition ended and the holiday ended as well. I will show you some pictures to see how it was. The exhibition took place in “La Galerie” (At the Gallery) pub in Vama Veche. My drawings had a great time and maybe another ones will visit the place next year. Many thanks to the people who helped me.
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Looks like yiou had a great time – you deserve it and your success
Suuuuper ! Galeria de fotografii e mortala ! Multumim ca ne-ai aratat…
Ai expus si te-ai distrat, dupa cum se vede din poze. La mai mare !
Thanks! It was so much fun. I had a really great time
Din pacate nu sunt un fotograf desavarsit. Si multe desene aveau lumina din spate. Dar ceva tot se vede 
Daaaa, merci. Sa fie!
Congrats! pun pariu că a fost un succes, nici nu aveam cum să fie altfel având în vedere frumuseţea desenelor. La mai multe!
Merci! A fost super!