The Day I Was Born. My mother imagined she’d have only a baby and she was extremly surprised to see that she had two. I can’t tell you which one it’s me.
The Day We Discovered That We Can Draw. Our mother was out of lipstick the next day.
Exercising Drawing. So we found some other drawing “tools” like blacking.
Drawing and drawing. We used to draw instead of learning math and other subjects.
The Teacher. One day, our new art teacher saw our drawings. She said we were very talented and she wanted to talk to our parents.
The Decision. The teacher told our parents that we had to learn art at the High School of Art. They accepted, though they wanted to make us economists or ballerinas.
My Rebellious Years. So I became a typical rebellious artist. I went to the High School of Art and then, to the University of Art and Design. I was passionate about my work.
University of Art and Design. I’ve learned many things during the design classes. For instance, once I build a chair that even now can be found in my room.
Party Time! I loved to dance and hang out with my friends at the parties.
The Fight. One day at the club, there was a fight between two boys. The one with the black hair was so handsome…
The Conqueror. After that fight, I gave him my phone number, and he became my boyfriend.
Selling T-shirts. During some festivals, we used to sell painted T-shirts and handmade jewelry. It was a lot of fun.
Restoring Paintings. Sometimes, I was restoring old paintings and art objects. It was a relaxing thing to do for some extra money.
Selling Paintings. Also, I made and I sold many paintings, especially abstract and nudes.
Started Working. After graduating University, I started working full time in advertising. That’s when I abandoned my colored pencils.
Working Hard. All I did was work. My life became nothing but work and I felt a stranger to myself.
At the Barber’s Shop. One day I accompanied my husband to the barbershop because he wanted to cut his hair.
The Boy. While I was waiting for him, a little boy came in. He had a hair-antenna on the top of his head and his schoolmates have been mocking him. I chuckled and I wanted to draw that so badly!
That was the day I started this blog, with Cutting Of The Antenna.
D4J! I love this! I feel like I know you so much better now and your drawings are fabulous as always! Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Are you still working in advertising? I am so grateful to little antenna boy for tempting you back into drawing!
Thanks. I worked a lot to make a brief story of my life. It was very hard for me to select the most important moments.
I am still working in advertising.
genial ilustrata istoria ta. mai ales partea despre nuduri
ma intreb daca si-a “scris” cineva memoriile in felul asta, numai ilustrate, pana acum.
Multumesc. Nu stiu, probabil ca da.
Hi–Love your illustrations! You should do a children’s book–using that little boy as a character! Your work has a liveliness and immediacy that is very pleasing. I’ve bookmarked this site so I can check back with you and see what you’re up to! Please do come by and check out my studio website, Angel Illuminations @, and my blog @ I do lot’s of sketching myself but didn’t ever think of putting them up before, just the finished works–thanks for the idea!
@ Cheryl Solis
Thanks for the good words.
I like your works too.
Am doar cuvinte de laudă, mai ales că sunt din domeniul artelor şi fiica mea desenează destul de mult şi bine la cei 11 ani. Ai talent, eşti inspirată, ai idei, umor şi imaginaţie! Felicitări, poate îmi faci o vizită, avem stiluri diferite, dar arta rămâne artă, indiferent de genul abordat!
Iti multumesc pentru aprecieri. Imi place mult stilul tau, iar fiica ta promite mult.
De cat timp navighez pe net n-am mai vazut pana acum o maniera atat de originala de a reda ce si cum simti. Bravo bravissimo! Sigur ca nu este un efort sa desenezi din moment ce te-ai specializat in asa ceva, o faci din pasiune si “for joy”; totusi, cam cat dureaza un post in medie (pt ca imi dau seama ca e ceva mai migalos decat sa dai copy-paste la o adresa de youtube sau sa incarci rapid o poza)? Take care si la cat mai multe posturi iti doresc! Sa ne delectezi cu istorioare cat mai placute si colorate!
Multumesc si ma bucur ca iti place blogul meu.
E foarte greu sa iti spun cat dureaza sa pun un post. Pentru ca mai intai am o idee, pe urma o desenez, o scanez, o ajustez, ma gandesc la text si il verific. Ideile imi vin oricand si oriunde, se amesteca intre ele, se suprapun, se zapacesc. Pe unele le uit, pe altele le omor si mai raman cateva pe care le desenez. Daca pun cap la cap toate etapele pot ajunge de la o ora la doua zile. Acum am multe povesti pe teava. Si eu abia astept sa le fac
What a great way to do a biography! It’s such a delight to read
@ Angie Chan,
Wonderful post! Thank you.
@ ahalifedesign,
Thank YOU
@ Virgil,
Multumesc, ma bucur ca iti place
i m totally in awe of ur bio….this is the 1st ever kind that i have seen a bio like this….goes to show how creative u r….someday it will be great to have you on my blog for an interview! keep up the good work!
do check out my work!
Best Regards,
@ Veda,
Thanks, I am so happy that you like my blog.
An interview? Great!
Imi place situl tau…Imi place de tine, desi nu te cunosc decat prin desene..Nu sunt in tara si pe unde ajung cunosc oameni care ma fac sa-mi fie dor de ai mie…aia cativa care au mai ramas de tanjit dupa..
oameni ca tine, cu chef de culoare si viata…
ei bine…”am sa te mai caut “
Ce mi-a placuuuut ! Parca-am vazut un film ! Tare frumos !

Romantica poveste de dragoste aveti voi doi ! Hihi !
Mult de tot mi-a placut desenul cu panza de paianjen…
Mi-ar fi placut si mie sa am o profesoara care sa vorbeasca cu parintii mei !
@ Arielle,
Multumesc, ma bucur mult de tot pentru ce spui. Te mai astept
@ Leo,
Profesoara acum ne este prietena. Din pacate nu mai intalnesti asa ceva in ziua de azi. Eu nu sunt capabila sa ofer atata ajutor cat a putut ea sa ofere.
Trebuie sa fie un destin la mijloc.
And you have been drawing ever since? That was a very interesting story- I loved the illustrations with it. Do you and your sister share this blog? Does she still draw too? I love how you met your Boyfriend! that made me laugh. Good to see you are still drawing and make the time for it!
Uaaa… super !
@ Marcus Hadlock,
I draw ever since, but I had some long awful breaks in the mean time. My sister have another blog and another style.
Sometimes I have to sacrifice many things for drawing, including myself. Time is my enemy.
cool bio
@ Smoking Cat,
Thanks. I like your comics to
I love your bio. It’s so interesting with your illustrations.
Good luck.
Thanks, also your sketches are very good.
De fel nu stau prost la capitolul cuvinte… talentul tau la lasa speechless, stilul tau, de asemenea! Spor la treaba in continuare! Eu abia ce te-am descoperit, dar sunt deja fanul tau.
Kisses and hugs
Multumesc. Ma bucur sa vad ca iti place asa de mult cum desenez. Te astept sa revii
Te-am descoperit prin intermediul “Pastelor cu bulion” de la Bucătaru’ Maniac. Şi eu sunt mare fan de bulioane şi le devorez exact ca tine, he-he!

Nu ştiu dacă tu îţi colorezi aşa de fain viaţa sau ea te colorează pe tine, dar ştiu că-i tare plăcut ochiului.
Felicitări şi numai bine să ai!
Aha deci nu sunt singura ciudata si obsedata de bulion.
Aaa…Eu sunt cea care coloreaza viata inainte sa imi traga una peste ceafa, cum face de obicei cu oamenii. O pacalesc.
Sa fii sanatos si tu si sa mancam cat mai mult bulion!
superb bio, mi-a făcut ziua mai frumoasă
Merci, ma bucur
I have just arrived at your blog and I am enjoying very much your work! Congratulations! It was a lot of fun reading your so creative bio!
I will keep comming!
I really enjoy u’r funny colorful joy. And the bio is like a lesson of “bio-logy”
Because I always liked biology. Hi hi!
nice story. îmi place cum desenezi.
ma bucur, mai treci pe aici
foarte talentata
Very good article! We will be linking to this particularly great post on our website.
Keep up the great writing.