Alexandra’s Pedichure-Making of

UPDATE….va astept la expozitiehappy

Oamenii ma intreaba de multe ori cum imi vin ideile pentru desene. O sa raspund cu un exemplu.

Verisoara mea Alex, a stat cateva zile pe la mine in vacanta de vara. Intr-o zi, eu desenam ca de obicei pe podea si Alex a venit la mine, s-a asezat pe canapea in fata mea  si a inceput sa isi faca pedichiura cu oja rosie. In timp ce desenam, mai aruncam o privire la picioarele si la unghiile ei. Si uite asa, mi-a venit ideea sa ii fac o dunga neagra cu oja pe fiecare unghie, ca si cum ar fi avut murdarie sub unghii. Dupa ce i-am retusat pedichiura si ne-am amuzat bine, am vazut doua pete de oja negra pe foaia mea de desen, si i-am zis: “Alex, pune picioarele pe foaia asta alba” si am desenat conturul lor. Apoi, totul a venit de la sine si am inceput sa desenez ce se intamplase. Am desenat si capul meu, mana , sticla de oja…

In felul asta am creat o intreaga colectie de desene cu lucruri care se intampla in timp ce desenez. Aceasta colectie va fi prezentata la expozitia mea , incepand cu 15 noiembrie la Sala de Lectura a Teatrului Act.


People often ask me how I get the ideas for my drawings. I’ll answer that with an example.
My cousin Alex, spent several days in her summer vacation at my place. One day, while I was sitting on the floor and drawing, Alex came and threw herself on the couch in front of me and started to make her pedicure with red nail polish. While I was drawing, I was also looking at her toenails and feet. At once I came up with the idea to make a black stripe on each toenail with black nail polish as if she had dirt under the nails. After I finished it and we have a good laugh, I saw two spots of black nail polish on my white drawing sheet and I got another idea. I said to her “Alex, put your feet on my drawing sheet” and I drew her feet contour. Then everything came by itself and I started drawing what happened. I drew also my head, my hand, the nail polish bottle…

This way I created a collection of drawings with strange things that happen while I am drawing. This collection will be presented at my exhibition that will be held at Sala de Lectura a Teatrului Act, from November 15.

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6 thoughts on “Alexandra’s Pedichure-Making of

  1. Ai luat o intamplare reala, ai adaugat elemente din imaginatia ta si a iesit o lucrare superba. Mie imi place in mod special ala care te trage cu gura de o suvita de par. Si nu in ultimul rand, felicitari pentru expozitie, astept cu nerabdare sa vad si celelalte lucrari.

  2. @ Azazelo,
    E interesant sa vad cum observati diverse detalii din desen, dar in mod diferit.
    Iar suvitele mele de par stau asa de explodate uneori ca parca cineva trage de elelaughing
    Te astept la expozitie

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