Before the Christmas holidays, a strange phenomenon is happening: people are going crazy and they are running after gifts and shopping like wild beasts.
This is a drawing for Illustration Friday.
Share on FacebookBefore the Christmas holidays, a strange phenomenon is happening: people are going crazy and they are running after gifts and shopping like wild beasts.
This is a drawing for Illustration Friday.
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Nice expressions on the faces and great concept!
I’d say I’m guilty of that phenomenon. I love the cracked heel and her facial expression!
What a delightful picture! It made me laugh. I don’t do that myself, but it does seem to be prevalent in today’s society.
câtă dreptate ai
Once I saw a flossy woman with a cracked heel and a lot of sopping bags.
I remembered that when I was making this drawings.
Yes, I see this every Christmas. It’s funny, yet sad at the same time.
Mereu am dreptate, nu?
hmm, ca sa vezi, m-am lamurit de ce femeile se-ngrasa de craciun, dupa “shopping like wild beasts” vine “having wild feasts”,(supra)compensarea energiei pierdute la cumparaturi
Mai intai cumpara porcul si pe urma il mananca
ahhh, le-ai starnit. cred ca in timp ce te-ai apucat de desenat te-ai asezat exact pe cutia cu pantofii pe care ii doreau amandoua. run! fast! don’t forget the shoes
@draw for joy
ce zici tu e valabil pt d-soarele care vor sa fie doamne. si cand zici “mananca” te referi la ficati, nu?
@rox – se pare că da
ai un stil aparte de a afişa realitatea
Câtă încrâncenare!
@Miju, cam asa imi vin ideile, stii tu ce stii. Dar sunt cazuri reale cu tocuri rupte la shopping alert.
) Pazeasca!!!
La ficati, la ficati
Asa e normal
Fenomenul continua dar de data asta din cauza reducerilor
@Lucia, da asa e.