
Sometimes children are like toys more

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Where is My Columbia Hat Now ?

Friday I lost my beautiful Columbia hat at the subway. I wonder who is wearing it now? more

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My Birthday

Today is our birthday (mine and my sister). I want to “drawforjoy” more than last year, if that’s possible.


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Monday Girl

Monday is a special day, we all know that. So, how would Monday look like if she would be a woman? Then, I made this drawing: the Monday Girl. more

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Comic Situations on the Skating Rink IV

On the Skating Rink, children fight for survival. Whoever has more clothes on him, wins, because it’s heavier and more stable on ice. more

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Comic Situations on the Skating Rink III

On Cismigiu Rink one can find a lot of girls who think is cool to wear their sexiest outfit with a pair of skates. more

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Comic Situations on the Skating Rink II

Here I come with a new drawing from Cismigiu Skating Rink. The people are having a great time: guys with snot pouring from their nose are dragging girls on the… more

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Comic Situations on the Skating Rink I

I started going to the skating rink In Cismigiu. It is so crowded there, that instead focusing on skating, I am watching the people around me and I get so amused. Because there are so many worthy comic situations, I started a collection of drawings. Here’s the first one: a woman who prepares to slip over a child and crush him. more

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Presents from Santa

This year, Santa Claus has found a new way to send the presents. If your grandmother will get some yellow contact lenses, your dog a pair of sexy panties and you will receive a set of big gold pots, you know why.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!! more

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In which envelope would you like to get your mail? This is “mail” for Illustration Friday Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: envelope, Funny Drawings, funny mail, Illustration Friday, mail more

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Before the Christmas holidays, a strange phenomenon is happening: people are going crazy and they are running after gifts and shopping like wild beasts. more

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Funny People

These are two characters who have appeared out of nowhere in my mind while working on something completely different. more

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Italy Socks

One day I was preparing myself to go to a party, very elegantly dressed. I put on my make up, my jewelery and I made myself beautiful. But when I wanted to put on my shoes, I discovered that I was wearing my Italy Socks. And I thought: how it would be, if I go to the party with these socks on my feet? Maybe I could start a trend. What do you say about it? more

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Fashionable Prostitutes

fashionable prostitutes more

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Exhibition Photos

Photos from my illustrations exhibition opening. more

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All you need is…

Who can tell me the quotation written here? more

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Punga de pastile

Vecinii din bloc l-au dat disparut pe domnul Lica. Timp de o saptamana el nu a mai fost vazut la fata. Intr-o dimineata au gasit punga lui de pastile langa usa, si toti au crezut trupul lui zace fara suflare pe sub masa din bucatarie. Numai vecina din blocul de langa, stia unde este. Ii facuse un cuibusor la ea in dormitor unde ii oferea exact ce avea nevoie. Ce rost sa se intoarca? more

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November 2010 Calendar

November-2010-Calendar more

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Racing Girls

Racing Girls more

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What a strange and spooky night! In the park landed an old witch. more

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Masquerade With Birds, Wild Animals and a Hunter

Masquerade With Birds and a Hunter more

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October 2010 Calendar

October 2010 Calendar more

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Something Important

This guy is a workaholic. more

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End Of Summer

I did this drawing one day after I returned from the seaside, when it was hot outside, and the autumn with its cold was very far. However, it is clear that this drawing announces the end of summer. more

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