Funny People
These are two characters who have appeared out of nowhere in my mind while working on something completely different.
Share on FacebookThese are two characters who have appeared out of nowhere in my mind while working on something completely different.
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Great drawing. Funny how that happens.
looks like a lady, move like a lady…
…and she is a lady
Daca asa ii place lui…
N-ai buton de like??
Și de foarte like?
buni pt reclama amandoi, el(?), adica blondu’, e asezat numa’ bine pt ben-gay, iar dama e de afisat la intrarea in clinicile de siliconare(la sectiunea “before” sau “asa nu”
pai intra pe FB
Cum ai nimerit-o!
Ben Gay, auzi..
I LOVE this couple and would really like to know what trouble they are about to get into.
Long time no see!
I think you already have a story for them