Owl Drawing for Inspire Me Thursday.

The Owl and the Evening Coffee.

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Technorati Tags: art drawing, cartoon, coffee, color pencil, comic, comic drawings, desen, desen haios, divertisment, fun, funny drawing, illustrator, owl drawing, pencil drawing, roxana soare
La o cafea… Fain…
@ Cristian,
Neata ! O cafea?
I am encountering inspiring things here each day. Thanks
Daca stiu eu bine, bufnita e o pasare de noapte. Deci trebuie sa bea muuulta cafea, schimbul de noapte nu e deloc usor, o stiu pe pielea mea !
Imi plac cearcanele !
super tare. imi place foarte mult.
Ajnanina e la ora cafelei… http://www.metemorfoze.blogspot.com
Nu stiu cu bufnita cum ai nimerit-o….
I love your drawings
They make me happy
Bine ai venit. Multumesc
Îmi place expresia ochilor. Nu știu cum reușești să o captezi așa de bine.
@ Art Ista,
Welcome. I am happy when you are happy!
Multumesc. Are o cafea foarte tare. Sper sa reziste!
Multumesc. Cred ca iese intamplator.
Imi e simpatica bufnita si inteleg ce simte.
E bine ca o intelegi. Cred ca oricine ar trebui sa o inteleaga.
pe cuvant ca imi vine sa iau o carte de colorat si creioane colorate si sa… colorez!
Bine ai venit pe blogul meu. Ia si tu niste creioane si joaca-te cu ele
very beautiful drawing there…..cute owl!
I can sense the tiredness of the owl and hope the coffee helps. I know how he feels!
He looks like he has a long evening ahead of him. I’m hoping he decided to get the extra strong coffee! This is quite fabulous!
Extra strong coffee is the best!