Santa Claus Behind Bars


Thanks Andrew for the collaboration, I hope you like my drawings too.

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30 thoughts on “Santa Claus Behind Bars

  1. Uh, saracul Mos Craciun, asa e, trebuie sa fie inchis pe undeva! Frumoasa povestea si mai frumoasa ilustratia, imi plac detaliile din celula si cea in care adevaratul Mos Craciun se uita cum falsul MC ii conduce sania. Da’ adevaratul Mos o fi dat jos posterul de pe perete?big grin

  2. Roxana you have brought my words to life and added so much with your great skill of drawing. So far I have only been able to view on my PDA as I am away, but even on this limited device I can see what a superb job you have done. Many, many thanks.


  3. zelfbrouwen),en dat kan prima….om die bitterheid weg te krijgen,even wat aanzoeten,zodat er een goede smaakconfercie ontstaat,en dan ben je er.Voor het zelfmaken van b.v stoutbieren kan je terecht bij brouwmarkt Almere….kijk daar maar eens rondHerman van den hooff,RINSJE Roo38nStiens058i4323e1Vmor als je vragen hebtVan Herman van den hooff op 19.04.12 8:11 pm

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  7. Pure io voglio fare gli articoli fighissimi su feste fighissime ed avere l'occasione per mettermi i tacchi 14 senza sembrare una stronza e superficiale capitalista!(Sono una praticante giornalista che si occupa di sociale. Al 99% degli eventi cui sono invitata, sembra brutto se arrivo con sembianze femminili). Diana

  8. I can’t believe Carino called me a bloviatah–that’s not much love from a fellow paisan. I still don’t undehstand, Carino, why you have a blog devoted to basketball all year. Don’t you know basketball only mattahs from around March 16 to April 5? That’s the only time I follow it.Uhhhh, Eddie, look up how many hits Carino gets with that blog of his. . . Heeeere’s the Mink Man.

  9. Wpisz komentarz Możesz używać tagów HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> Chcesz zdobyć link pomocny w pozycjonowaniu? Napisz wartościowy komentarz z minimum 350 znaków, a Twoje linki w treści komentarza otrzymają atrybut DOFOLLOW.

  10. Buenas tardes,desde el día viernes 04/06 estoy tratando de ver la charla sobre la ultracavitacion y radiofrecuencia sin resultado positivo;por favor me indican como debo hacerlo ya que ese dia no pude tomar apuntes y me parecio sumamente importante.Gracias por su oprtuna y pronta respuesta…

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