Worn jeans for Illustration Friday.
She likes to wear fashionable clothes and that’s why she persuaded him to give her his worn jeans. He was left only in his underwear but happy.
Share on FacebookWorn jeans for Illustration Friday.
She likes to wear fashionable clothes and that’s why she persuaded him to give her his worn jeans. He was left only in his underwear but happy.
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Cred că tipul îi strigă: ” Să mă mai suni când vrei ceva de la mine, ok? ”
Cristian, se poate. Mai ales ca haine “vintage” ar trebui sa aiba destule.
O idee originala “Draw for Joy” !
Saracu’ baiat ! (Apropo, foarte tari boxeri, cu inimioare !
Daca ma gandesc mai bine… Cred ca am sa las si eu pe cineva fara pantaloni. Fara pijamale l-am lasat deja
Leo, merci . Poti linistita sa il lasi fara pantaloni. Te bucuri din doua motive
Simpatica idee si imi place mult de tot cum l-ai colorat.
Azazello, multumesc. In general imi place sa folosesc multe culori contrastante.
Funny! I love the look on her face.
Thanks Voz!
Ai redat ceva cat se poate de adevarat in ziua de azi.
Salut! You always have such original ideas! Love the expressions and I would adore a pair of trousers like that!
Buna treaba!
That is some serious power of persuasion! That’s her hidden super power…
Multumesc Omi!

You can search in your husband’s old clothes, maybe you will find something.
Ray, i think without that power, she would still be in her ordinary skirt
Astia da pantaloni! Te-as sfatui sa incepi sa te ocupi mai intens de design vestimentar si schite de hair styling
Andi, poate o iau in serios si chiar ma apuc
Seara faina si o leapsa de la mine