This is a drawing from my new collection. More details I will tell you later. more
Share on FacebookIf you thought I disappeared on a deserted island where I get stuffed with watermelons and I play in water all day long, you are wrong. In fact, I work hard at this wonderful book for children. more
Share on FacebookYesterday when I was in front of a white paper preparing to draw something, I had that strange feeling of deja-vu.
On Wikipedia, deja-vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined(wikipedia.org). more
I made another self portrait drawing, more complex than others. I will try to draw other portraits in the same style to see how it goes. more
Share on FacebookThis year, Santa Claus has found a new way to send the presents. If your grandmother will get some yellow contact lenses, your dog a pair of sexy panties and you will receive a set of big gold pots, you know why.
Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!! more
Share on FacebookBefore the Christmas holidays, a strange phenomenon is happening: people are going crazy and they are running after gifts and shopping like wild beasts. more
Share on FacebookThese are two characters who have appeared out of nowhere in my mind while working on something completely different. more
Share on Facebook“If you want to be loved, be lovable” – Ovid.
This drawing is part of the collection “Hidden Words”, presented at my exhibition on 15 November. more
Share on FacebookVa invit la expozitia mea de la Ceainaria Teatrului Act! In data de 15 noiembrie, la ora 19:00, va fi vernisajul, unde veti gasi desene, ceai aromat delicios, prajiturele prea bune pentru a fi mancate, si o roxana imprastiata printre mese. more
Share on FacebookUPDATE….va astept la expozitie Oamenii ma intreaba de multe ori cum imi vin ideile pentru desene. O sa raspund cu un exemplu. Verisoara mea Alex, a stat cateva zile pe… more
Share on FacebookThe exhibition ended and the holiday ended as well. I will show you some pictures to see how it was. The exhibition took place in “La Galerie” (At the Gallery) pub in Vama Veche. My drawings had a great time and maybe another ones will visit the place next year. Many thanks to the people who helped me. more
Share on FacebookLorette a scris un articol despre mine pe Multumesc Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: drawforjoy, Lorette, roxana soare more
Share on FacebookI want to show you an oil painting that I made. I hope you like it. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: oil painting, roxana soare more
Share on FacebookFinally I finished drawing the 2010 Calendar at which I worked from the beginning of the year.
Today I posted just the calendar pages for January and February, and from now on, I will post every month a new calendar page. However, if you want the entire calendar, you can download it, by clicking the button from the right sidebar. more
I recently came into possession of the president‘s secret file, and it is my duty to show it to you. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: president comic, President’s Files, roxana… more
Share on Facebook“Unbalanced” for Illustration Friday A good reason to lose weight or to grow up. Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: grow up, how to grow up, how to lose weight, lose… more
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