The Cinema Kit
I went to several movies of the European Film Festival and every time I had to deal with talkative people. And there were grown men, not children. That annoys me greatly, because everyone should know this rule of common sense, not to talk during the movie. One woman even talked on the phone.
Am fost la cateva filme de la Festivalul de Film European, si de fiecare data am avut de a face cu oameni vorbareti. Oameni maturi, nu copii. Asta ma enerveaza la maxim, pentru ca fiecare om ar trebui sa stie regula asta de bun simt, sa nu vorbeasca in timpul filmului. O femeie a vorbit chiar si la telefon.
nu se mai saruta lumea la cinema?
Hah, I would like one of those kits! Brilliant x
Oh yes, but you are very kind with them. You know the joke with the lady who’s asking in the back seats, who just finished her talking on the phone with her best friend:”Who’s the killer!, who’s the killer!”. And a pissed off dude, from her back: ” I am! IF you don’t shut up!”
Well done – I’m with you. The cinema is a place for silence, a place to lose yourself in the world on screen.
super tare metoda
Ha Ha!! They should have this posted outside of all theaters.
Also, Ramses3’s joke made me laugh very hard!