Camping Holiday

We love to go camping at seaside.  It is so romantic to be close to the water, the sand and the sky…In the evening when we arrived there, we found a quiet place on the beach, where we put up the tent. After drinking a few beers, we went to sleep.

The next morning, we woke up with a great noise. A rude family stuck their big tents next to our little one as if it was invisible.
Why, when there was so much free space on the beach!?

So…the only solution was to move our tent.


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7 thoughts on “Camping Holiday

  1. Oamenii poate ca erau obisnuiti sa stea inghesuiti ca la bloc sau ca la coada la ghiseu si nu se simteau bine sa stea retrasi pe plaja. Probabil ca au fost foarte tristi cand ati mutat cortul si au ramas singuri fara sa fie nimeni pe o raza de cativa metri in jurul lor.

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