Fashionable Doll Dress
Like many other girls, when I was little I wanted to make beautiful doll dresses. While all my friends made some sophisticated and fashionable clothes for their dolls, all I could do was a piece of material with a hole in the middle. I guess I was clumsy.
However, they made a dress in a week, and I made 20 dresses in one hour.
ar fi fost misto sa schimbi expresia de pe fata pausii, gen “what the…!”
Aaa, da, era o idee. Dar eu imi aduc aminte de o papusa fara nicio expresie, care cerea sa fie mazgalita si pictata.
Hahaha, ce rochii misto mai ieseau. N-ar fi rau sa le invat pe fete metoda asta. Ele stau ca prietenele tale si croiesc maneci.
Si eu am facut din astea !!!
La un moment dat, am mai complicat tiparul, ieseau ceva mai sofisticate…
That was my motivation for learning to crochet as an adult. My poor dolls had no real clothes. My nieces’ dolls have more clothes than I do.
I love these drawings, so cute, and I think that the doll’s dress is beautiful and stylish – perhaps I could persuade my teenage daughter to wear one like it – it would save me fortune.
You made me smile – thanks.
Super funny !Adevarul e ca la cum arata, papusii tale nu prea i se potriveau niste haine sofisticate.
thank you!!! I’m glad you commented, I forgot to add your link to the new blog! I’ve got to catch up now, sure I missed allot of cool drawings
As fi croit si eu maneci, dar mainile mele stangi nu imi ascultau dorinta. Fetele tale au multa rabdare
Deci tu erai priceputa
You are very skilled for this, and your nieces are so lucky.
Thanks. Your daughter will be very original with one of these.
Da, asa e. Papusile mele erau cam neingrijite, murdare, manjite si ciufulite, cu ochii scosi si cu operatie.
e greu de croit la gat si mai greu de cusut rotund
@ Le Petit Prince.
Dar nu am zis nimic de ac si ata. Era deja prea complicat pentru mine. De altfel si acum este.
My spouse and i definitely must think even more in that way to see things i can do about that.