Pink Portraits
I wanted to play a little with forms and expressions of people. I took some Pink Color, some Black and a brush and look what came out …
I wanted to play a little with forms and expressions of people. I took some Pink Color, some Black and a brush and look what came out …
Compression Plugin created by Jake Ruston's Wordpress Plugins - Sponsored by Spira Shoes.
Great stuff!!!
It makes me want to use some pencils again
I like the second along at the top. I know how that feels.
lumea poate fi roz din cand in cand!
@ Mona,
Why not! You should use them, I thing they miss you.
Please verify your comments settings on your blog, I can’t post the comment.
Who doesn’t!?
@ Orianda,
Da, ai spus foarte bine!
PS. Sa iti schimbi linkul de la nume cand comentezi, pentru ca ma duce tot pe blogger, desi tu esti pe wordpress acum.
Nice gallery !
I don’t know what’s wrong, I checked and everything seems to be in order (the second “pinky” would fit here instead of an emoticon
) Please try again and let me know how it went. Thank you for telling me about it!!!
It is OK now
Foarte faine ! Imi place mult primul din randul de jos, umbrele sunt perfecte !
Frumos te mai joci !
Imi place la nebunie sa ma joc.
Pinkita, auzi! Pai daca tot ai gasit diagnostic, eu zic sa trimiti si un antidot