African Children Are Beautiful
These are my works for the children living in the BUSABAGA village.
Who wants to buy one of the drawings, can come today to Absintherie Sixtina , 19:00 at the Art4Africa Event.
In these drawings I wanted to show that African children are sweet and beautiful, and the best places to be for them, has to be the same for all the children: the playground and the school.
You can find out some opinions about this event here and here
Uite o temă care-mi place 100%! Minunat.
Te-am pinguit la africana mea de azi
Ca intotdeauna, minunat modul tau de a exprima prin desen o idee!
papusele negre, la fel ca in realitate
And your drawings show their beauty. Good luck with your sale.
Bravo draw ! Faptul ca ai facut in mod special niste lucrari si le-ai donat, pentru a ajuta niste copii, reprezinta un gest minunat. Iar lucrarile sunt frumoase si transmit foarte bine mesajul tau.
Merci, ma bucur ca iti place
Merci, am ilustrat ceva bucuros, desi situatia e trista.
@ Micule print,
Da, sunt de fapt atat de scumpi
Thanks! They have sold out and I am so happy.
Multumesc. Mi-a facut mare placere sa desenez pentru binele cuiva. Si ma bucur ca s-au vandut.
Foarte frumos și deosebit! Felicitări!
Ce frumoooos ! Si ce bine ca s-au vanduuut !
Copiii sunt frumosi, oriunde-ar fi… Inclusiv in desenele tale !
Multumesc. Copii merita atentie si in desene si in Africa si in Romania. Data viitoare va fi pentru ai nostri
Ai inteles perfect unde am vrut sa ajung…
Congratulations on having a successful showing! They really are very beautiful.
@ Ray,

Thanks! They are beautiful and their life should be also beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful!
plus offering extras which can announce this kind of the main benefit of the skepticism. gbbbeckbbbbb
I think you have noted some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. dddebcbagckf
Loved seeing “Kaff.” Took me back senvety years or so to Major Hickenlooper who used to say “Kaff, kaff, egad.” Used to fascinate me in my earliest reading days.
THX that’s a great answer!
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