If you complain it is too hot, here’s what can happen if you walk along the walls of the blocks. Naughty boys are lurking everywhere, waiting to cool you down.
Daca te plangi ca este prea cald, iata ce se poate intampla cand mergi pe langa zidurile blocurilor. Baietoi obraznici pandesc peste tot, asteptand sa te racoreasca.
This is “Soaked” for Illustration Friday.
Imi place cand e cald, mai ales daca se face un concurs ad-hoc de wet t-shirt
Beautifully drawn, wonderfully rendered – and funny.
Nasol, cand iti este foarte cald si te trezesti cu apa in cap, nu se stie de unde, bine ca nu savurezi si o inghetata in momentul ala…
oh, she just had her ‘perfect hair day’….
dar stii, dupa ce toata lumea-i uda, chiar nu mai conteaza
I like , bookmarked for future reference
Oh, I can only imagine what she’s saying and what he’s thinking! Truly funny drawing.