Working Hard
If you thought I disappeared on a deserted island where I get stuffed with watermelons and I play in water all day long, you are wrong. In fact, I work hard at this wonderful book for children. The weather started to warm up, so I started drawing into the yard. In that way I have more light, I am more careful at details, and Bruno is eating my socks under the table.
In cazul in care credeati ca am disparut pe o insula pustie unde ma indop cu pepeni si ma balacesc toata ziua in apa, va inselati. De fapt, eu muncesc din greu la aceasta carte minunata pentru copii. Vremea a inceput sa se incalzeasca, asa ca am inceput sa desenez in curte. In felul asta am mai multa lumina, sunt mai atenta la detalii, iar Bruno imi mananca sosetele pe sub masa.
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Bruno mi se pare ca a muncit cel mai mult. Cat te-ai jucat tu cu creioane colorate, el a tinut tot timpul masa in spate!
bruno helps!
Suuupeeer muncă! Abia astept să văd cartea.
P.S. Poti să-l „faci” pe Bogdan Onin?
Impresionanta munca ta, mult succes si astept sa vad cartea finalizata.
Cat despre Bruno, ce sa mai, un adevarat ucenic. Poate ii faci poza si din fata.
Spor la treaba! Stiu exact cat de minunat e sa stai in curte si sa desenezi/scrii. Totul e sa nu bata vantul.
Foarte frumoasa.
Frumoasa si bestia.
Spor la desenat! Imi place tare casuta si d-abia asteptam cartea
The artist at work! It’s odd how looking at your art supplies makes me want to draw something now.
It depends, I guess, on what we call our.I have been having vibrant intimations that it is, in fact, all Us – there is nothing that is not Us, as well as nothing that is only me.Besides – the land and ourselves are, apart from being alosat-interchmngeable aspects of One Thing, interpenetrating and interdependent.Or so I realise, in my more lucid moments.
Love,Terri in Joburg
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The ability to think like that shows you’re an expert
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