“Adrift” for Illustration Friday
The poor boy and the evil math.
When I was a little girl I also didn’t like the math class, so I understand him. Thank God, I can use the calculator when I want to know how much money I have spent.
“Adrift” for Illustration Friday
The poor boy and the evil math.
When I was a little girl I also didn’t like the math class, so I understand him. Thank God, I can use the calculator when I want to know how much money I have spent.
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are cearcane, saracu’
Bietul baiet e complet in ceata
buenisimo…..el pobre joven esta muy bien caracterizadopatricia
Wonderful! What is your secret… how did you do the equations on the board? I am full of work at the moment, no time to draw, barely time to write and take photographs, busy so busy.
I take joy from your crayons and heart from your imagery.
Thanks Roxana
Ai un site pe cinste si sunt incantata ca sunt in blogroll-ul tau
Ai evoluat cu viteza luminii…in ultimul an. Iti doresc sa desenezi cu din ce in ce mai multa placere!
Si eu aveam instantaneu cearcane cand imi aduceam aminte ca am mate obligatoriu in scoala.
@ Lord D`if,
Cu atatea calcule, i s-a scurs toata energia.
@ Patricia Casal,
How beautiful you speak Andrew! I am so glad you like my crayons…
The equations on the board is all I know about math. If there is something correct there, it’s simply accidental.
Multumesc! Bine ai venit!
Nu am evoluat, am inceput sa ma regasesc. Cred ca abia am facut un pas….