Entangled December 3, 2009February 6, 2010 Entangled for Illustration Friday: Share on Facebook Technorati Tags: drawforjoy, entangled, Funny Drawings, man with many women, orgy, roxana soare [Translate]
Saracul de el, a fost impresurat. O fi inspirata din viata marelui Petre Roman in zilele lui de glorie, cand lupta pe front la Apaca ? [Translate]
@ Azazello, Singura inspiratie a fost cuvantul de la IF. Dar Petre e un bun exemplu de luptator pe front. Le punea pe toate la pamant. [Translate]
@ ray, I think so! Bad luck for him. Instead of pleasure, the situation became a nightmare. [Translate]
I hate it when that happens.
Ha! Very funny!
wow… ce coșmar
Viaţă grea…
Orgiac, nu gluma ! Ce-o fi avand tipu’ asta, de-i asa de… atragator ? Magnet, nu alta !
Saracul de el, a fost impresurat. O fi inspirata din viata marelui Petre Roman in zilele lui de glorie, cand lupta pe front la Apaca ?
@ Daniel Chaffin,
Yes, it’s really bad for a man in his condition.
@ nessa dee,
@ Cristian,
Da… Vai de capul lui!
@ Cristian,
Cine nu ar vrea sa aiba o viata grea ca a lui?
@ Leo,
Pai nu stii cum se intampla? Un magnet, un zambet, si au tabarat toate, uite asa
@ Azazello,
Singura inspiratie a fost cuvantul de la IF.
Dar Petre e un bun exemplu de luptator pe front. Le punea pe toate la pamant.
He does look like he maybe collected one or two phone numbers more than he could handle!
@ ray,
I think so!
Bad luck for him. Instead of pleasure, the situation became a nightmare.
this reminds me of the Axe body spray commercials- haha
@ Marcus Hadlock,
Aha! I remember. Maybe this guy uses Axe, who knows?